Thursday, June 07, 2012

Alien (1979) Trailer


  1. One of the best movie trailers, ever. A bare hint at what you'd see and no words spoken at all through it all, but there is an unmistakable malevolence and dread present. The Jerry Goldsmith score, especially that haunting theme track (even re-tasked recently for PROMETHESUS) is simply stunning and one that's forever associated with this film/trailer. This really is something' alright. Good one, John.

    1. Anonymous7:24 PM

      le0pard13, absolutely agree with all your thoughts here, well said.



40 Years Ago: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)

I still vividly recall the summer of 1984, and the reviews and chatter about  Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom.  In particular, there wa...